Cooperation on economic reforms
and sustainable development


La economia cubana pospandemia de COVID-19

Vilma Hidalgo de los Santos (Coord.) - 26-08-2022

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha supuesto, entre otras cosas, un parteaguas en el devenir global. Desde el punto de vista económico, la recesión que ha generado impone pensar ajustes importantes de cara a una resiliencia que no parece conseguirse en corto margen temporal. La situación, agravada por un orden mundial que la mayor potencia imperial conocida en la historia quiere mantener a toda costa conservando su hegemonía, es mucho más compleja para los llamados «países en desarrollo».
Cuba, en particular, afronta la hora con la satisfacción de una efectiva política en el manejo de la crisis pandémica y de la tremenda hazaña conseguida con más del 90 % de su población vacunada con robustas vacunas elaboradas por nuestros científicos y producidas con nuestros esfuerzos; pero en lo concerniente a su recuperación económica, transita por un momento muy difícil.
La pandemia llegó en medio de transformaciones diversas que el país venía diseñando e instrumentalizando desde antes para robustecer una economía marcada por la debilidad, dados problemas de orden interno y externo, y, fundamentalmente, por un brutal bloqueo económico y financiero sostenido por los
EE. UU. durante más de sesenta años y recrudecido, incluso, durante el trance epidemiológico.

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Cooperation between the EU and Cuba for economic and productive reforms. The challenges of economic reform in Cuba

José Antonio Alonso (coord.) - 30-10-2020

Since the start of the 1990s and the socialist bloc’s collapse, Cuba has striven to redefine the country’s economic model and reset its system of external relations. Numerous changes have been made over those three decades, and yet no satisfactory pathway has been found for the economy’s future progress. The anxieties caused by an increasingly adverse international environment, a global economic slowdown, a strategic partner in decline and an increasingly hostile powerful neighbour seem to favour those advocating an inward economic turn over those promoting a renewed reforming thrust. A stocktake of the last three decades of Cuban economic crisis reveals an exhausting course of partial and fragmentary reforms that have achieved limited success. It is in this context that the European Union decided to support the Jean Monnet Network, which brings researchers together from Europe and Cuba to work on Cuba’s current predicament and the prospects of more active and profitable relations with the European Union. The network also seeks to establish collaborative, understanding relationships between the academic communities on both sides to encourage a more shared vision of existing problems and promote the exchange of methodologies and analytical approaches. Cooperation between the EU and Cuba for economic and productive reform: The challenges of economic reform in Cuba is the fruit of these efforts. It is a volume that seeks to unite diverse and complementary contributions on the challenges of the Cuban economic situation, the experience gained in the reform so far and some tentative ideas for possible future actions. This volume’s engagement with the relevant issues in the relationship between Cuba’s economic reforms and its framework of relations with the EU is by no means exhaustive. But the six chapters presented here contain enough interesting material to demonstrate that joint academic endeavour can help better understand the Cuban economy’s complex situation and shed light on some of the parameters that will frame future reform decisions. 

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